CenterJoyPWR®: Strategies for Healing Racial Battle Fatigue

CenterJoyPWR® is a self-paced, six-week online experience designed to create a space for professionals of color to rest, reflect, and recenter as they move toward healing their racial battle fatigue. CenterJoyPWR® places health and wellness first while creating a path to help you move beyond healing so you can reconnect with joy and feel motivated, energized, and inspired.

Get reacquainted with yourself.

Join Janet Stickmon as she guides you through lessons and exercises that allow you to turn inward and reflect upon your personal experience and your connection to the world. CenterJoyPWR® is a life-giving way to get reacquainted with yourself as you tap back into what brings you joy.
Photo of a laptop with Janet speaking onscreen. Laptop surrounded by candles, plants, and cup of tea.

Weekly Milestones

In this program, you will:

  • Explore key features of joy and begin to identify what brings you joy.

  • Learn about racism-related stress & racial battle fatigue and how your health is impacted.

  • Practice how to reverse negative self-talk and affirm all aspects of who you are…and learn the neuroscience behind it.

  • Design your #PerfectOrdinaryDay that includes all the things you love and enjoy.

  • Create an enhanced vision board that helps you envision what you want for the future in all areas of your life.

  • Design a self-care plan and a set of CenterJoyPWR® rituals to help you: 1) take steps toward healing your racial battle fatigue and 2) PLACE YOUR ENERGY WHERE YOUR JOY IS, embracing joy as a daily part of your life and feeling motivated to make your vision a reality.

Wondering if CenterJoyPWR® is for you?

Come join me if you:

  • Are a professional of color who values wellness and wants to reconnect with joy.

  • Feel emotionally, physically, and/or spiritually drained.

  • Notice changes in your mental and physical health as a result of racism-related stress.

  • Need a space where you can be vulnerable.

  • Are better at nurturing others than nurturing yourself.

  • Sometimes feel guilty about experiencing joy.

  • Often worry about your safety and well-being.

  • Are looking for a space that recognizes how systems of oppression impact self-care.

Meet Your Instructor

Janet Stickmon

Janet Stickmon is a professor, author, educator trainer, and wellness consultant who has been teaching for 25 years. Stickmon is a professor of Humanities and Ethnic Studies and the founding program coordinator of the Cultural Center at Napa Valley College. Stickmon is the author of Crushing Soft Rubies—A Memoir, Midnight Peaches, Two O’clock Patience—A Collection of Essays, Poems, and Short Stories on Womanhood and the Spirit, and To Black Parents Visiting Earth: Raising Black Children in the 21st Century. Stickmon’s articles are featured in The Huffington Post, Mutha Magazine, Read to Write Stories, Positively Filipino, and Red and Yellow, Black and Brown: Decentering Whiteness in Mixed Race Studies. Her essay “Blackapina” has been featured in a number of publications. Stickmon has 25 years experience practicing meditation and integrating meditative practices throughout all her courses. Janet Stickmon is the founder of CenterJoyPWR®: Strategies for Healing Racial Battle Fatigue—a group coaching program for professionals of color who want to center joy in their lives. Stickmon has a Master’s Degree in Ethnic Studies from San Francisco State University, a Master’s Degree in Religion and Society from the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from University of California, Irvine. Stickmon also holds a Certificate of Completion for Michael Bernard Beckwith's Life Visioning Mastery program and is currently working toward becoming a National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) certified personal trainer.

CenterJoyPWR® includes:

Fall 2024 Launch: 10/10/24 - 11/14/24

  • Six Weekly Modules

    Weekly modules include pre-recorded video and audio instruction to help guide you through each milestone. You have the option of: 1) completing the modules at your own pace, OR 2) completing the modules weekly alongside other professionals of color during a special 6-week fall launch 10/10/24 to 11/14/24 (includes live virtual onboarding session 10/3/24 and live virtual graduation ceremony 11/14/24). You are welcome to revisit the modules at anytime.

  • Onboarding Session

    A special live onboarding session facilitated by Janet Stickmon on Thursday 10/3/24, 12-1pm PT / 3-4 pm ET to help you learn how to best prepare for the program and have the optimal experience. It also provides you with the chance to meet and connect with other CenterJoyPWR® professionals of color who are completing the online experience right along with you.

  • Weekly Meditation and Sharing Circle

    During the six-week fall launch 10/10/24 to 11/14/24 on Thursdays 12 -1:30 pm PT / 3-4:30pm ET, join your CenterJoyPWR® cohort for live weekly virtual meditation and sharing sessions to help you stay grounded, relaxed, and centered throughout the program. Following the meditation, participants will have the chance to share the progress they've made as they complete each weekly module (i.e. new insights, transformation, setbacks, and/or challenges). These sessions are led by Janet Stickmon.

  • Graduation Ceremony

    A special live virtual graduation ceremony on Thursday 11/14/24, 12 -1:30 pm PT / 3-4:30pm ET creates a space for you to celebrate completing the program with others in the CenterJoyPWR® community and mark the transition of entering a lifestyle that welcomes and embraces joy.


“CenterJoyPWR® lays foundation for a practice that needs to be actively incorporated into one’s life. When we realize and truly believe in our own value and power, then we must do all we can to actively be in relationship with ourselves in order to become our best selves. CenterJoyPWR® recognizes the systemic problems that racialized beings experience in our world, but uses that analysis as a point of departure to help us self-actualize and engage in an ongoing process to heal.”

G.T. Reyes, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership

“I have been smiling more. I feel more open and curious. I am also having an easier time addressing rather than reacting to situations where I feel micro and macro aggressions...I feel like I have more energy, more curiosity, more joie de vivre. It has allowed me to accept and cultivate some abundance in my life. I am making more space for my passions and have had some outlet for my creativity.”

Chris Almerido Gunn | Senior Advisor on Environmental and Energy Justice, U.S. Dept. of Energy

“Before this program, I was lethargic and my cup was running on empty, so my family and friends quickly noticed that my cup was being filled during this program. Session after session, I began to speak with more optimism...Janet Stickmon is a fantastic instructor and I am so thankful that I enrolled in the CenterJoyPWR® program. She is an expert in this field and knows how to meet participants where they are even in a digital space.”

Christopher Bonner | Chaplain

“I recommend Janet Stickmon’s CenterJoyPWR® program. This program helps create a deep connection to oneself and also the community of individuals who participate in the program.  I personally have gained a better understanding of myself and the moments I face every day as a person of color holding space about race. Janet shared instrumental knowledge, activities, and led exercises that caused us all to reflect deeper on who we are, and to take action for what life we envision for ourselves.”

Farzana Nayani | DEI Practitioner

“As I entered the program, I was feeling exhausted from what felt like fighting with ghosts. The program helped me understand and define these ghosts, making them explicit (so to speak) and also gave me the tools to redirect the energy I was spending fighting and towards building gratitude and abundance. It feels as if I developed new muscles that I can continue strengthening.”

Claudia Escobar, Ph.D. | Research Fellow

“I am finding more joy in my life and trying to separate work from play more. Janet did a wonderful job creating a safe space for a community of women of color in academia. Participating in CenterJoyPWR® was more than worth it. It has enabled me to accept abundance in my personal and professional life!”

Joyce Javier, MD

“Being in a group setting enhanced my self-growth in many ways because I was not navigating the challenges of learning to center joy on my own, but now alongside a group of inspiring and resilient professionals that courageously shared their wisdom, fears, and fortitude with me. These gifts allowed me to garner strength in continuing to move forward in my journey...I understood the science behind why my self-care routines were leading me to apathy. The self-reflection activities Janet guided us through help me be able to identify the changes I needed to incorporate in my life to re-center joy in a time of so much loss, hardship, and sadness.”

Ambar Hernandez Negrete | Ph.D. Candidate in Educational Policy

Place Your Energy Where Your Joy Is.

Get Ready For the Fall 2024 Launch!

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