Terms and Conditions

Janet Stickmon Consulting, LLC sets forth the “Terms and Conditions” for enrollment in CenterJoyPWR®: Strategies for Healing Racial Battle Fatigue (“Program”) and the use of this website (“Site”) and any linked and related sites for its students/participants, vendors, and other site users (“Participant”). Please read the terms and conditions carefully before enrolling in this Program; if you do not agree to the terms, please do not enroll in the Program.  Enrollment in CenterJoyPWR®  and the use of this website indicates acceptance of the “Terms and Conditions” and forms a binding agreement between you (“Participant”) and Janet Stickmon Consulting, LLC (Coach) effective December 5, 2022. 


CenterJoyPWR®:  Strategies for Healing Racial Battle Fatigue is a six-week self-paced online group coaching program for professionals of color who want to take steps toward healing their racial battle fatigue and centering joy in their personal and professional lives.   “Group Coaching” is defined as partnering between Coach and Participants in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires Participants to maximize their personal and professional potential in a group setting. This program consists of lifetime access to online modules, which Participant may revisit at anytime. The program includes a live virtual component in which Participants may join monthly meditation and circle discussion sessions to be in a group setting; these sessions are optional and are not mandatory.    



1. Participant is responsible for one’s own physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being and is responsible for their own choices, decisions, actions, and results. As such, Participant agrees that the Coach is not and will not be liable for any actions or inaction, or for any direct or indirect result of any services provided during the program. Participant understands that the group coaching program is not therapy and is not a substitute for therapy  if needed, and does not prevent, cure, or treat any mental disorder or medical disease. 

2. Participant understands that this program is not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, mental, medical, or other qualified professionals and will seek independent professional guidance for such matters if necessary.

3. Participant understands that in order to have the optimal experience, completing the modules in sequence is strongly advised. Participant may revisit online modules at any time.  

4. Participant agrees to: 1) abide by the circle discussion agreements as outlined during the online or live virtual components of the program, 2) communicate openly and honestly (in accordance with one’s personal comfort level), and 3) be open to feedback.  

5. Participant understands that CenterJoyPWR® values social justice and the community cultural wealth model (Yosso, 2006).  As such, the program values Participants’ social identities and how they shape and inform their wealth of knowledge and life experiences.  Furthermore, it does not condone the use of hate speech that upholds or reinforces systems of oppression such as racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism, able-ism, religious oppression and the intersections thereof. To maintain the psychological safety of the Participants, any hate speech that serves to deny the validity of the following will be addressed and may result in dismissal from the program: the historical and contemporary impact of white supremacy, patriarchy, homophobia, transphobia, and the intersections thereof; critical race theory; and/or the existence of racism and other systems of oppression and its impact on marginalized communities.

Note: Any breach of this section may result in dismissal from the program. 


CenterJoyPWR® consists of six weekly modules that include lessons and exercises. For optimal experience, completing these modules in sequence is strongly recommended. This program consists of access to online modules, available for the life of the program, which Participant may revisit at anytime. The program includes a live virtual component in which Participants may join monthly meditation and circle discussion sessions to be in a group setting; these sessions are optional. Session dates/times will be emailed to participants.  (Scheduling and format of sessions may be subject to change.)

Registration Fee and Refund Policy. 

The registration fee as indicated on this website is payable upon enrolling in the Program. No refunds or exchanges will be provided following purchase.   


Participant acknowledges that photographs or screenshots of Participants will not be taken during the monthly live virtual sessions without the Coach seeking the consent of the Participant  (i.e. by way of a photo release form).  Participants must also agree to not take photographs or screenshots of fellow Participants during these sessions.  Monthly live virtual sessions will not be recorded in order to maintain confidentiality of the content shared during these sessions. 

Trademark, Copyright, and Intellectual Property.

CenterJoyPWR®:  Strategies for Healing Racial Battle Fatigue is a registered trademark of Janet Stickmon.  The materials in this program and materials on this site is the intellectual property of Janet Stickmon and are copyrighted, and any unauthorized use of any Materials on this Site may violate copyright, trademark, and other laws.  The materials used in the program and materials on this site (i.e. such as slide presentations and handouts) are copyrighted materials and may not be reproduced in any form, or by any means, without the express written permission of and attribution to the Coach. Participant may not reproduce, republish, display, perform, circulate, distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, repost on the internet or social media, or use the content of the materials for any public or commercial purpose without the express written permission of and attribution to the Coach. Any breach of this section may result in dismissal from the program. 


This group coaching relationship, as well as all information (documented or verbal) that the Participant shares with the Coach or with the fellow Participants during each session, is bound by the principles of confidentiality on par with HIPAA but is not considered a legally confidential relationship (like within medical or legal professions). The Coach agrees not to disclose any information pertaining to the Participant without the Participant’s written consent. The Coach will not disclose the Participant’s name as a reference without the Participant’s consent. 

Confidential information does not include information that: (a) was in the Coach’s possession prior to its being furnished by the Participant; (b) is generally known to the public or in the Participant’s industry; (c) is obtained by the Coach from a third party, without breach of any obligation to the Participant; (d) is independently developed by the Coach without use of or reference to the Participant’s confidential information; (e) that the Coach is required by law to disclose; (f) is disclosed to the Coach and as a result of such disclosure the Coach reasonably believes there to be an imminent or likely risk of danger or harm to the Coach, Participant, or others; or (g) involves illegal activity. The Participant acknowledges one’s continuing obligation to raise any confidentiality questions or concerns with the Coach in a timely manner.

Limited Liability.

Except as expressly provided in this agreement, the Coach makes no guarantees, representations, or warranties of any kind or nature, express or implied with respect to the program services negotiated, agreed upon, and rendered. In no event will the Coach be liable to the Participant for any indirect, consequential, or special damages. Strategies offered during the Program contribute to the public discourse on possible steps toward healing racial battle fatigue and connecting with joy, but does not guarantee: 1) the healing of or a cure for racial battle fatigue or the attainment of joy.  Notwithstanding any damages that the Participant may incur, the Coach’s entire liability under this agreement, and the Participant’s exclusive remedy, will be limited to the amount paid by the Participant to the Coach to enroll in this program.


Links to external websites are provided solely as a convenience to you. Janet Stickmon Consulting, LLC has reviewed these external websites to the best of its ability, however does not control and is not responsible for any of these sites or their content. If Participant decides to access any of the external websites linked to this Site, one does so at their own discretion.  

Effective Date and Updates.

The Terms and Conditions are effective as of December 5, 2022 and are subject to change without notice by Janet Stickmon Consulting, LLC. at any time. Please check for changes regularly. Your use of this Site after such changes constitutes your agreement to such changes.   

Mutual Agreement.

This is the mutual agreement of the parties, “Participant” and “Coach,” and reflects a complete understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter. This agreement supersedes all prior written and oral representations.